About Us

Our Mission

To connect, collaborate, strengthen, and expose Healthcare in the San Luis Valley by engaging key stakeholders and job seekers. 

About Us

The San Luis Valley Healthcare Sector Partnership is a group of healthcare organizations, K-12 school counselors, K-12 school administrators, higher education leaders, economic development leaders, and workforce leaders. This partnership is connecting and collaborating to develop a stronger education and workforce pipeline for healthcare in our local K-12 schools, higher education institutes, and healthcare organizations. Through these efforts, we are closing gaps, exposing the youth & adults to jobs available, and strengthening our health care in the San Luis Valley.  

The partnership initially identified six focus areas for collaboration: 1) Workforce; 2) Social opportunities for professionals; 3) Youth Awareness; 4) Nursing Taskforce; 5) Policies & Incentives, and 6) Transition in Care. Since identifying these six focus areas meetings revealed that most of the areas crossed over or other community groups are already tackling some of the same issues. The partnership decided to bring together the workforce, youth awareness, and nursing taskforce into one group to focus on the pipeline of the jobs, education, and exposure of healthcare careers in our region.

Since combining the three groups the stakeholders have begun to develop a database that includes all of the positions available from five of the major healthcare organizations in the Valley. The database will identify job positions; education requirements; give a median salary range, and identify if the degree is obtainable at one of the local higher education institutes. This database will be used in the schools to create pathways for students, in the workforce for those looking for jobs or those want to advance their careers, and by higher education to streamline coursework, certificates, and degrees.

The partnership meets as needed at Alamosa City Hall. To become a member contact Kelley Baily at kbaily@ci.alamosa.co.us or (719) 587-2024.


Adam State University - Margaret Doell, mjdoell@adams.edu, and AJ Webb, ajwebb@adams.edu

Alamosa High School - Andy Lavier, alavier@alamosa.k12.co.us, and Steve Mundee, smundee@alamosa.k12.co.us

Alamosa Public Health - Della Cox-Vieira, dcoxvieira@alamosacounty.org and Jordan Kemp,  jkemp@alamosacounty.org

Centauri High School - Leeann Lesueur, llesueur@northconejos.com

City of Alamosa - Kelley Baily, kbaily@ci.alamosa.co.us and Heather Brooks, hbrooks@ci.alamosa.co.us

Colorado Workforce Center - Stephanie Goldbranson, stephanie.goldbranson@state.co.us and Barbara Pacheco, barbara.pacheco@state.co.us

Rio Grande Hospital & Clinic - Paula Pacheco, paulaw@riograndehospital.net

SLV Area Health Education Center - Lisa Lucero, lisa@slvahec.org and Eric Stevens, eric@slvahec.org

SLV Behavioral Health - Dee Kessler, deek@slvbhg.org and Bonnie Ortega, bonnieo@slvbhg.org

SLV BOCES - Nita McAuliffe, nmcauliffe@slvboces.org

SLV Health - Mandy Crockett, mandy.crockett@slvrmc.org, Kelly Gallegos, Kelly.Gallegos@slvrmc.org, Donna Wehe, donna.wehe@slvrmc.org, and Janelle Gonzales, Janelle.Gonzales@slvrmc.org

Trinidad State Junior College - Lynette Bates, lynette.bates@trinidadstate.edu, Jack Wiley, Jack.Wiley@trinidadstate.edu, and Lori Rae Hamilton, lorirae.hamilton@trinidadstate.edu

Upper Rio Grande Economic Development - Bonnie & Marty Asplin, bonnie@urg-ed.commlasplin@asplinandassociates.com

Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc. - Christy Porco, porcoc@vwhs.org and Debi Tringham, tringhamd@vwhs.org

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